
Project Name: TESA Token
  • Version 1.0
  • Date: June 1, 2023
  • Table of Contents
  • Introduction
  • Background and Motivation
  • TESA Token Overview
  • Technical Specification
  • Token Economics
  • Use Cases
  • Roadmap
  • Token Allocation


1. Introduction The development of AI began with Alan Turing in the 1950s and continued through the 1960s and 70s by pioneers like John McCarthy and Marvin Minsky. However, despite efforts by various governments to accelerate investment in AI, technological advancement was slow, leading to a period known as the 'AI Winter.'


2. Background and Motivation Artificial Intelligence (AI) has evolved significantly since its inception in the 1950s, spearheaded by pioneers such as Alan Turing, John McCarthy, and Marvin Minsky. The field experienced several ups and downs but gained global attention with advancements in deep learning and natural language processing (NLP), showcased by the defeat of the world's top Go player by AlphaGo in 2016. Following this, Google introduced the Transformer model in 2017, which outperformed traditional deep learning models. OpenAI's introduction of ChatGPT, based on the Transformer model in November 2022, marked the start of generative AI's rise to prominence. The TESA project aims to take generative AI further by focusing on domain-specific GPT technology to offer personalized AI services for individuals. This addresses the potential security risks associated with sharing sensitive information on platforms utilized by multiple users.


3. TESA Token Overview TESA Token is an ERC20-based cryptocurrency created to support the TESA ecosystem. It allows users to access and utilize TESA services, incentivizes the development and refinement of AI algorithms, and facilitates transactions within the ecosystem.


4. Technical Specification TESA Token conforms to the ERC20 token standard on the Ethereum blockchain, ensuring compatibility with various exchanges, wallets, and other smart contracts. It facilitates transactions related to AI services and incentivizes the development of the TESA platform.


5. Token Economics The TESA Token is designed to support the TESA ecosystem. The total supply of TESA Tokens will be capped to maintain value. Tokens can be used to: Access and subscribe to TESA services. Incentivize developers and data scientists contributing to the TESA ecosystem. Facilitate peer-to-peer transactions for services utilizing TESA.


6. Use Cases Personal Productivity: Users can employ TESA for email management, scheduling, reminders, and automating repetitive tasks. Communication: TESA can facilitate communication through chats, emails, and other platforms in a personalized manner. Mental Well-being: As a psychological counselor, TESA can offer mental health support and guidance. Social Interaction: TESA can serve as a friend, engaging in conversations and social interactions.


7. Roadmap Q4 2023: Launch of TESA Token.
Q1 2024: Release of TESA pilot services.
Q2 2024: Implementation of advanced features such as individual assistance.
Q3 2024: Expansion of TESA to more platforms and integration with other services.


8. Token Allocation